The Jean Monnet Center of Excellence “Research on Crucial Issues of European Integration” of the University of Macedonia, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Thessaloniki, the Center of Excellence “Governance of the EU” of the University of Peloponnese, and Jean Monnet Chair on EU Budgetary Governance and Audit organizes a two-day international conference with the title: “Development in EU: Credit rating and Foreign Direct Investments”, on Thursday 17 May and Friday 18 May 2018, at Mediterranean Palace.
During the conference, important issues will be discussed concerning the legal and financial aspects of regulating and operating credit rating agencies (Moody’s, Standard & Poors, and Fitch), proposals for a mix of development policy and foreign direct investment in EU, Russia and the USA. The invited speakers will present the issues both from a legal and financial perspective.
The first day of the conference has the title “Credit Rating Agencies in Sovereign Default and Bank Crises”. The keynote speaker and prominent guest of the conference will be Mark Clough, Lawyer, specialized in the protection of free competition law and Senior legal counsel at the Law Firm Dentons inBrussels. This company is considered to be the largest law firm with many offices around the world. The keynote speaker will present the issue: “Oligopoly of CRAs and EU Competition Law”.
On the 1ST panel the participantswill be: Christos Gortsos, Professor, Law School of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens who was the Secretary General of the Greek Union of Banks, Petros Migiakis Ph.D., Senior Economist, Deputy Head of the Banking and Capital Market Section of the Bank of Greece, Periklis Gogas, Associate Professor, Democritus University of Thrace and Emmanouil Vlachogiannis, 1st Vice-President of the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
The title of the second day is “EU Growth and Foreign Direct Investment in the EU, Comparison with the US and Russia” The keynote speaker and prominent guest will be Karl Aiginger, former Professor of Economics, University of Vienna, former President of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) and President of the Policy Crossover Centre in Vienna. The title of the speech will be “EU Growth and Investment: The European quest for internal reforms and external partners”.
In this panel, other participants will be: Yorgos Rizopoulos, Professor, Universite Paris – Diderot (France) , Panagiotis Liargovas, Professor, Academic coordinator of Jean Monnet Center of Excellence on Governance, University of Peloponnese who was head of the budget office of the Greek Parliament, Konstantinos Axarloglou, Professor and Dean of the ALBA Graduate Business School in Athens and Yulia Sushkova, Professor and Dean of the Law School of Oragev University, Saransk ( Russian Federation).