25 May 2017: Conference: European Educational Area and Life Long Learning

Discussions on the future of Europe 2017-2018, 23-24 October 2017

Discussions on the future of Europe: Strengthening democracy in the context of multi-level European governance

Organization: Heinrich Böll Stiftung Greece, Jean Monnet Chair of European Constitutional Law and Culture of AUTH and Jean Monnet Center of Excellence  of the University of Macedonia.

Crisis of the European political and economic governance, Brexit and secessionist tendencies of states and regions from the nation-states, the case of Catalonia, nationalist and populist governments in member states, refugee crisis, the rise of far-right and  terrorism and Islamophobia, the change of US foreign policy under the Trump Presidency.

The challenges the European Union is facing are many and great, as is the citizens’  anxiety about the Union’s future. How can the European project gain a new dynamic  while maintaining its cohesion? How can a united Europe continue to deliver the  promise it made 60 years ago in its founding declaration, namely to provide  prosperity, peace and freedom to all its citizens? How can the Union protect and deepen  the model of liberal democracy that is now being called into question? How can  Europe play a decisive role in the peaceful resolution of international disputes and  become a more open and welcoming continent?

These issues will be thoroughly discussed in the series of conferences and seminars “Debates on the future of Europe” organized jointly by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung of Greece, the AUTH Jean Monnet Chair of the “European  Constitutional Law and Culture” and the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence of the  University of Macedonia.

We call upon scientists who, through their work and publications, seek ways and  propose policies for the democratic development of the European Union.  The Invited scientists give public lectures and participate in a three-hour seminar, with a limited number of participants, in particular academic  researchers/students and postgraduate students dealing with European  issues from different perspectives, science and faculties.



Subject: Strengthening democracy in the context of multi-level European governance

Lecture and discussion
Monday 23/10/2017 19:00, Lecture Room Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce &  Industry, Tsimiski 29.

Main guest speaker: Professor Ulrike Liebert, Jean Monnet Center of Excellence of the University  of Bremen,

Interventions by:

Giannis Papadopoulos, Associate Professor, Department of International and  European Studies, University of Macedonia
Despina Anagnostopoulou, Associate Professor, Department of International and  European Studies, University of Macedonia
George Andreou, Associate Professor, Department of Political Sciences, Aristotle  University of Thessaloniki
Lina Papadopoulou, Associate Professor, Law School, Aristotle University of  Thessaloniki
Coordination by Olga Drosou, Hellenic Heinrich Bell Foundation

The speech and the interventions will be  in English and there will be simultaneous  interpretation in Greek.

Tuesday 24.10.2017 16:00-19:00,  Conference Room, School of Law, aAUTH Room 319, 3rd Floor
Following the public debate, a three-hour seminar will be organized with the contributions of Monday’s interveners. A limited number of academic teachers/students, researchers/students, postgraduate students who are involved in European issues from different perspectives and different faculties will participate in the seminar.

The seminar will be held in English, with no interpretation.
Statements of interest with a CV until Monday October 16 at the Heinrich Bell Foundation:

Evangelos Astyrakakis
Email: e.astyrakakis@gr.boell.org
T: 2310 28 28 29